Location |
8:00AM to 6:00PM
- Be sure to discuss all requirements and expectations prior to the survey. It is imperative that client, surveyor, and owner/broker are all on the same page.
- Be sure that the vessel is shipshape, clean, decluttered and ready for evaluation. Only accessible areas will be inspected. The surveyor typically does not disassemble any part of the vessel.
- Consider the accessibility and benefit of surveying an empty or new boat. Now consider the same survey conducted on a fully loaded live aboard!
- Ensure that a capable and qualified representative for the vessel is available to assist throughout the survey. They will be required to operate the vessel and all systems as needed (generator, engines, sea trial, etc.). Additionally, written authorization may be required to board or gain access to the vessel. Please acquire if appropriate.
- Attendees and guests should be kept to an absolute minimum. Only those required should be present. Even large vessels seem small during a survey. Hazards and distractions will exist (open hatches, vessel maneuvers, etc.). To support a safe and productive environment, please save guests, visitors and other folks for a different time.
- Please prepare with patience and communication! This will apply to all parties: owner, broker, surveyor, buyer, yard crew, etc. It’s clear to see all the opportunity for delay or changes in schedule.
- Full payment will be due at the time of survey.